What Did I do



hello! I'm back with another blog. So last holiday I was just in bandung. And honestly it was pretty boring when people go to someone place, during the holiday I always hangout with my friends and sometimes I and my family visited uncle's house. Actually I and my family didn't the trip holiday because my sister was take the exam

I spent the holiday when I was in home just on my bed or slept, watched netflix,looked instagram and ya just boring stuff. So one day, I invited went to Purwakarta with my old best friends to ate satay Maranggi. I was excited because its been long time I didn't hangout with my old best friends. By the way my best friends from junior high school and their names is Naia, Keysha, Putik, Aul, Leygi and Ryan. were went to Purwakarta used Keysha's car. During the trip we had a lot of fun, singing together,chit chat, share each other's story and more. And I was very happy again because I met my other bestfriends she came from Magelang to met me (actually she's not just didnt meet with me). 

okay next, for new year celebration I and my family came to uncle's house. We spent the time with cooked together and have fun with my cousins. yeah I think thats my holiday, although my holiday its boring I'm still happy with the last holiday and I can have fun 


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