

  I hope you guys enjoy the video <3

Nico’s Weg

  Synopsis So this film tell about Nico. He went to Germany to meet his aunt. He’s from Spain so he can’t speak Germany well. When he arrived     at the airport his bag taken by someone and the one who took Nico’s bag didn’t know that bag wasn’t his. Which is in the bag there his passport, his phone, and aunt’s address But Luckily, he meet Lisa and Emma who helped him. Surprisingly Lisa is German language teacher. Because he doesn’t know where is aunt’s house and can’t speak germany well, Nico stayed in the Lisa house till he found the bag. He meet many people in there and Lisa teach him how to speak Germany properly. Beside that Lisa’s father is a policeman so Lisa’s father helped him too for seacrh about his aunt information. The end of movie is when his bag found by Selma, and he found the bike shop who the owner is Yara his aunt and he meet the aunt. He had a lot experience while in Germany. My review This educational movie so good for people who learning germany. Learn a language

My Goal, My Ambition

  Since I was a little I always look my mother, aunty and cousin used snelli or white coat, they are a doctor. They helps many patients and for me it's cool. Ever since, I have a goal that one day I want to be a doctor take care of. Also my mother said doctor is a noble job, can help sick people My strength is that I’m little bit confident, perfectionist, curious. and my weakness is I always overthinking. Sometimes I always think that I can’t never be a doctor because I feel like I haven’t done a lot of effort to achieve my goal but since my mother told me I can to be a doctor I feel inspired and I will try. So I try my best to have a good score in all lesson subject for study in Medical Faculty in the best State University and then, after that i will continue my education abroad. 

Dialog offer and sugestion

Dialog Charli :  “Hi Lily!” Lily :  “Hi Charli!” Charli :  “ Its  finally summer tomorrow, are you excited?” Lily :  “Yes,  im  very excited. How about you?” Charli :  “Yeah, me too.” Lily :  “ Im  planning to go to the beach tomorrow with Anna. Would you like to come?” Charli :  “Of course, I will come. Should I bring a volleyball?” Lily :  “Yes, that would be great. How about we go to Anna’s house first then we go to the beach with her car?” Charli :  “Yes, let’s go.” Lily :   “Okay, see you tomorrow then.” Charli :  “Wait, why don’t you ask Madison to come too?” Lily :  “Oh, she’s going to her grandma’s house tomorrow.” Charli :  “Okay, anyway I think you should bring some snack for tomorrow.” Lily :  “Ok, sure. See you tomorrow.” Charli : “Ok, see you.”

Edupassion Vlog

EDUPASSION VLOG!!!! Raisa Amalia Y (28) Amalia Utami Y (04)  X MIPA 2

Corona virus

how to prevent coronavirus!